16th Day

When we have a known God with us, we do not have to worry about the unknown Future, in fact, even if the problems are many, we must always trust in that God who has revealed himself to us. This entire day was spent to reflect on the various suggestions sent by the Provinces and Delegations followed by the proposal of the General Council. It led to a detailed discussion and proper enlightenment.  Having completed these proposals Economic- Administrative guidelines were distributed for personal reflection.

The assembly was delighted to receive the English translated version of the book Enrichetta, the Woman of the Beatitudes. Indeed, it enhanced our joy.  Our thanks to her.

After dinner we had a joyful recreation dedicated to Mother and the outgoing General Council. Sentiments of gratitude were expressed for the selfless and loving service of Mother Francesca, Sr. Julia Victor, Sr. Anna Maria, Sr. Jacintha, Sr. Fatima, the General Secretary Sr Marcia, and the General Economer Sr. Sabrina Pollini. Singing and creative presentations paired with colorful hand-made costumes expressed joy and gratitude.

After a while, a new rhythm in the hall was heard, marking the entrance of the newly elected general councilors Sr. Jesintha, Sr. Guadalupe, Sr. Fatima and Sr. Anitha Lobo ushered in by the Cameronese dance. To wish them in their new journey of service, the song ONE MORE STEP ALONG THE WAY was intoned by Mother Ernestine, joined by the Sisters. 

This happy event wouldn’t be complete without expressing the Capitulars’ heartfelt gratitude to the Community of the generalate for their loving and prompt service from the kitchen and refectory, to the laundry and liturgy… Indeed, the little and big tokens we offered to Mother and the Sisters are nothing compared to the Gift of their life to us and to the Congregation. 

The evening ended with the entrusting of the new sessennium to the maternal care of Mary. A representative of each Province / Delegation entered the procession carrying the Image of Our Lady, Patroness of their country, joined by other Sisters who carried lighted candles, surrounding the Mother and the Councilors. With this evocative choreography we sang the song “Remember the Virgin Mary” in all languages.

LASA Philippines praying the rosary for the success of the 34th general chapter