5th Day

The prayer composed by the postulants from Mallapur (India) started our session today, based on the passage of Lk. 4:18I am sent to bring the good news to the poor.

So also we are called here to study ” new ways to express the Gospel” (Pope Francis) and then go to to the contemporary aerophagus.

After a thorough reading of the Instrumentum Laboris, we were able to freely express our insights on its content. In the afternoon we worked in 5 commissions. It was enriching to try to draw out from all these documents the areas or concerns that would make the SSA Family relevant in the Church and in the world today.

We continue this work tomorrow that make us truly appreciate the commitment of the Sisters and be positively encouraged by this new method.

Different units of LASA members of Central India along with the Sisters and the formees prayed for the success of our XXXIV General Chapter.